About Us

Meet the new Hub on the Green

A multi-purpose centre where lots of different people come together for a range of activities and services used by all kinds of people, regardless of who they are or where they come from.


We provide resources for the community

A space where people can check-in, online or in person, to learn more about local support networks, or just have a chat.

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Here's what aim to provide
Signposting services
Advice and support sessions
Referral services
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We're building a centre of lifelong learning

A space where people can learn new skills, practice existing ones or find their next challenge.

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Here's what aim to provide
Digital literacy
Creative and craft skills
Languages and music
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We're unlocking the creative in the community

A space where people can express their creativity through a variety of mediums. Sing, dance, play, draw, create, share and enjoy.

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Here's what aim to provide
Wellbeing activities
Arts and crafts groups
Music, photography and poetry
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New Vision.
New Mission.

The Hub on the Green Colourful Logo

The Hub on the Green represents a new era in the life of Bournville Hub. A refreshed visual identity compliments our renewed desire to provide something extraordinary within our local community.

Original trustees John Dolan (Chair) and Moira Wright have been joined by two new trustees, Edward Rutledge and Brett Welch and co-opted Arthur Tsang of Bournville Village Trust (BVT). 

Our new Hub Manager, Lisa Robinson joins to continue to develop the Hub to be a modern and inclusive space on Bournville Green, offering lots of diverse activities, that will infuse and influence all aspects of Bournville life. 

The history of the hub

Let's remember how we got here

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Hub catered for over 50 different activity groups, all using the space for different purposes.

In its early days, it began as a new form of the Busy Parents Network, set up by Sarah Mullen - the driving force behind the Hub - to bring together busy parents – all parents! Activities ranged from baby yoga to book groups, to language and computer classes.

Bookfest image

The Hub also housed a separate charity, Bournville Bookfest, which grew massively drawing in many children, families and schools in Bournville, Birmingham and beyond, to a celebration of books and reading.

This all changed in March 2020. As with so many community gatherings, lockdown put a stop to community activity.

Bournville Hub was repurposed to become a centre of support, co-ordinating food box deliveries and neighbourhood street champions – during difficult times for many in the Bournville area. 

The Old Hub Logo

It was at this time that the idea of a bookshop was conceived and the Bookshop on the Green was subsequently opened in 2020. The bookshop has been hugely popular with both locals and people from across the city. 

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the Hub and its Trustees recognised that it must resume its role with the community, to meet its charitable objectives to offer lifelong learning, information and creative and arts activities for local people.

The Hub on the Green Front

have your say

We've already had some great suggestions on what we can do, and now we'd love your help.

Quite simply, this is your community hub… so, let us know all those wacky and wonderful, inventive and caring ideas and together, we’ll work up a programme of events that benefits the whole community.

Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses
Photography courses

Have your say

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Your Thoughts

We would love to hear what you envision for the Hub.

The Hub on the Green Icon in White
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We look forward to updating you on the Hub in the near future.

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Find us

You can find The Hub on the Green at the heart of Bournville. Our address is:

27 Sycamore Road,
B30 2AA

Opening hours

The Hub on the Green is open at the following times:

Monday 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Tuesday 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday 12pm – 3.30pm
Thursday 1pm - 3pm
Friday 12pm - 3.30pm